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Marlborough Primary School

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Marlborough Primary School follows the National Curriculum.

What does your child learn at school each day? Parents can find information about our curriculum subjects below.  Click on the whole school curriculum overview for further information.

Whole School Curriculum OverviewShooting Stars Hub Overview

 For further information about the EYFS Curriculum click below

EYFS overview and curriculum page

If you would like to know any more information about the school's curriculum not shown here please contact the school.

Our Intent

Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to inspire, enthuse and prepare all children with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to prepare them for the next stage in their Education. Our children will develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations ready to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society as citizens of modern Britain. We aim to nurture the Personal, Social and Emotional development of our children alongside their academic skills; we want our children to know how to live healthy lives, both physically and mentally. 

Our Curriculum is underpinned by Marlborough’s core values of:

• Respect

• Equality

• Self-belief

Our Curriculum promotes inclusivity and equality so that everyone is valued and is able to succeed.

It is driven through:

• High aspirations for all our children

• Activating prior knowledge and creating links between ideas

• Enquiring, inquisitive minds that, question and challenge

• Resilience to overcome barriers, take risks and welcome challenges

• Embracing inclusivity and diversity to build a better understanding of our world

• Developing and broadening vocabulary in order to communicate effectively



Our curriculum is delivered through:-

• Carefully sequenced lessons which show progression of knowledge and skills

• Detailed Knowledge organisers which outline the concepts, knowledge and vocabulary to be delivered

• Quiz questions to review prior learning

• Opportunities for carefully planned visits and visitors which provide first hand experiences

• Engagement with Artefacts which develop curiosity, deeper thinking and questioning • Regular opportunities for parents to engage with their children’s learning

• Engaging, ambitious and challenging learning experiences

• Spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities

• Challenge for all


The impact of the curriculum will be that all children will:-

• Recall and confidently articulate their learning and be able to share knowledge

• Be resilient learners

• Feel valued and have a positive sense of who they are

• Achieve with outcomes that are in line or better than national expectations at all stages and areas of the curriculum

• Make good or better progress from their starting points and reach their potential

• Have an opportunity to shine in their time at MPS

• Have high aspirations

• Be ready for the next stage of their education

• Have a secure understanding of equality and of their rights The impact will be measured through;- • Data and ongoing assessments

• Book monitoring

• Learning Walks and observations

• Pupil Voice

• Observations of Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning

• Staff Voice

• Parent Voice




We follow the RWI phonics scheme.  For more information follow this link:

Ruth Miskin Website