
To celebrate Leigh Trust’s 10 year anniversary at Marlborough we raised money for two local charities: Green Lane Mosque and The Children’s Hospital.
Leigh Trust Enterprise Scheme
Year 4 had a very busy couple of afternoons making and putting together cones and bags filled with sweets as well as sweet kebabs to sell at school. They became entrepreneurs for the week where they advertised their products and completely sold out the delicious treats they had prepared. Well done.
Our Year 6 entrepreneurs were extremely busy helping to sell treats for the children at playtimes and also helped out at the summer fayre. They were involved in helping to advertise and set up the stalls as well as encouraging potential buyers to actually buy their products. There was a real sense of excitement and a buzz around the school during this amazing fund raising event.
All money raised was added to the Children’s Hospital charity pot.
Teddy Bears picnic - EYFS
The children in EYFS were delighted to be able to prepare their own delicious picnic and bring in their favourite teddy. They felt so grown up as they used a choice of fillings and made their own sandwiches. It was lovely to see such a fantastic turnout of parents and carers who joined their excited children in this special event. All money raised from the sale of the tickets went towards the donation for The Children’s Hospital.
Community sponsored walk - Year 3 and 5
The 10 km walk took place in Small Heath Park. The Year 3 and 5 children successfully completed the challenge alongside their families. There was a real buzz of excitement as everyone gathered outside Marlborough Primary School ready to start their walk in their walking attire. We were fortunate to have the sun shining throughout the event. We are all so proud of the children in Years 3 and 5 for representing the school so well throughout the walk and helping to raise money for such a worthy cause.
All children that participated in the walk were rewarded with a certificate to celebrate their achievement.
Food bank Year 1 and 2
The families of our Years 1 and 2 have been so generous with their donations of tinned/dried food for Green Lane Foodbank. We were all so impressed with just how much food the children actually brought in which resulted in an amazing display of food which was laid out for a week in the KS1 hall.
Green Lane Mosque later collected the food which they then added to the foodbank.
As a reward for being so generous all the children in Years 1 and 2 had half a day of celebrating where they made had a wonderful and joyous time making smores, dancing, blowing bubbles, playing games and face painting.