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Marlborough Primary School

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Collective Worship

At Marlborough Primary we believe that every child should have the opportunity to embrace our school values through engagement with out personal development programmes including through assemblies and collective worship.

 Assemblies and collective worships are educational experiences that enable children to extend their learning as well as deepen their understanding of current affairs, significant events and key issues in everyday life.

Our assembly programme over the course of the week looks like this:

  • Monday - Phase assembly
  • Tuesday - Collective worship in class
  • Wednesday - Collective worship in class
  • Thursday - Collective worship in class
  • Friday - Celebration assembly

Each class also perform their own class assembly relating to areas of the curriculum that they have studied.  As well as events such as nativity, Diwali, Eid, Easter and the year six leavers' performances. 

Our Trust Values

Each week Collective Worship is based around the Trust values - CARES (Creativity, Aspiration, Respect, Excellence, Supportive). This is taught on a rolling 5 week programme.


Week 1 Creativity
Week 2 Aspiration
Week 3 Respect
Week 4 Excellence
Week 5
